Oct 24, 2022
Summary of MalScan
Malware Detection
Android Malware Detection
Feb 27, 2023 08:42 AM

Mini Review over “MalScan: Fast market-wide mobile malware scanning by social-network centrality analysis”

I Research Introduction

Android devices and Android application grow explosively in several Android markets, so as to Android malware. Millions of apps have been installed by end users all around the world from various app markets (Google Play, AppChina and so on). Due to the limitation of current scanning process, more and more malware has appeared in these markets. Thus, stopping the spread of malware mainly depends on new automatically scanning process (new lightweight Android Malware Detection) for these app markets. Therefore, the new scanning method must be able to adapt the explosive growth of Android application and provide high enough detection performance for avoiding or alleviating the first escaping of Android malware.


DL-based detection has gradually become the most effective detection methods due to that there is a large amount of data available, but its high time consumption causes it difficult to be deployed on for Android markets scanning. Although ML-based detection methods have less detection performance than DL-based methods, effective behavior modeling is able to alleviate the performance gap between ML-based methods and DL-based methods. Existing app malware detection methods extract static program features for behavior modeling, including android components, stings, permissions, APIs, graphs and so on. Where graph-based methods are considered as the most effective since graphs contain program semantics. Moreover, further extracting the attributes in graphs for modeling app behaviors is efficient and effective for next step of malware detection.

III Methodology

To address the mentioned above problem, this paper proposes a new method, based on call graph, called MalSan. MalScan leverages app call graph. Each node in call graph is a method and each directed edge represents call relationship. MalScan utilizes five kinds of centralities of sensitive API methods for constructing app feature vector respectively, representing app behaviors. Then use machine learning model techniques for training detection or classification model, for example, 1-Nearest Neighbor, 3-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, and so on. The basic idea of MalScan is impressive, since the process of extracting features captures both local and global semantic information. The result shows that MalScan outperforms than other graph-based methods. Facing apps in different time periods (training and testing use the same period apps), MalScan achieves every accuracy higher than 95% with all centralities. In the scenario of Android app evolution and adversarial attack, MalScan performs good robustness against these two cases. Moreover, MalScan is about 200 times faster than the SOTA method, which makes it able to complete the task of fast scanning app markets.

IV Conclusion

MalScan is a lightweight Android malware detection method based on call graph, extracting centralities of sensitive API methods. It achieves high detection performance and robustness. Moreover, its runtime overhead is quite low than other SOTA methods. Due to extracting information from call graph, MalScan is liable to suffer from structural attack, which modifying the call relationship between methods. One way to alleviate this kind of attack is to append some adversarial samples into training set for retraining detection model. Another method is enhancing API representation, combining function related API methods together to generalize semantic information. These two methods are able to alleviate the escaping of adversarial samples generated by structural attack, but still cannot counter the attack.


  1. Yueming Wu, Xiaodi Li, Deqing Zou, Wei Yang, Xin Zhang, & Hai Jin (2019). MalScan: Fast market-wide mobile malware scanning by social-network centrality analysis Automated software engineering.
  1. Enrico Mariconti, Lucky Onwuzurike, Panagiotis Andriotis, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gordon J. Ross, & Gianluca Stringhini (2016). MaMaDroid: Detecting Android Malware by Building Markov Chains of Behavioral Models network and distributed system security symposium.
  1. Kaifa Zhao, Hao Zhou, Yulin Zhu, Xian Zhan, Kai Zhou, Jianfeng Li, Le Yu, Wei Yuan, & Xiapu Luo (2021). Structural Attack against Graph Based Android Malware Detection computer and communications security.
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