Oct 20, 2022
Summary of DeepRefiner
Malware Detection
Android Malware Detection
Feb 27, 2023 08:42 AM
Mini Review over “DeepRefiner: Multi-layer Android Malware Detection System Applying Deep Neural Networks”
DL-based detection has gradually become the most effective detection methods due to that there is a large amount of data available. Traditional signature-based methods are not robust and generalizable enough since their customized security mode. Yet, ML-based methods are heavily dependent on the hand-crafted engineering.
DL-based detection methods can be simply classified into four categories, 1) FCN-based, 2) CNN-based, 3) RNN-based, and 4) GNN/GCN-based. 1) FCN-based method, especially MLP-based, consists of at least three dense layers, and can learn non-linear patterns of data. Its detection speed is fast, but lacking accuracy. 2) CNN-based method utilizes CNN architecture for characterizing apps followed with a fully connected layer as a classifier, which can learn useful context information. However, the code pattern is sequential, it cannot accurately learn the long-term sequence dependencies. 3) RNN-based method utilizes RNN, GRU or LSTM architecture for remembering previous knowledge, which can capture a larger and more complex code context and semantics. Due to the above advantages, it performs achieving high accuracy and robustness, but costing a lone time. 4) GNN/GCN-based method applies to graphs of apps for characterizing apps. The graphs can be in many forms such as control flow graph, data flow graph, function call graph, and so on. Thus, this method can capture structure information and achieves high performance. But, it is also liable to structural attack.
II Methodology
In order to resolve the effectiveness, efficiency and hand-crafted engineering problem. This paper proposes the DeepRefiner system based on two DL-based detection models, MLP-based detection model and LSTM-based detection model. The first detection layer is utilized to filter malicious, benign and uncertain apps, and the second detection layer is used to precisely detect the uncertain apps. The two-layer structure system ensures the detection efficiency and effectiveness evaluated on 62,915 malware and 47,525 benign apps, the largest scale dataset.
The first detection layer is a MLP-based detection model. It takes content in xml files in apps as features for filtering malware and benign apps. Apps that cannot be reliably detected are marked as uncertain and sent to the second detection layer for further scanning. More specifically, it takes label and attribute values in xml files (AndroidManifest.xml file and xml files in /res/), including permissions, components, intents, strings and so on. Then, all these string format features are ordered as a vector, where every coordinate represents a corresponding string format feature, placed with 1 (containing the feature) or 0 (not containing the feature). Thus, an app can be transformed into a feature vector as the input of MLP for both training and testing. Predicted label is based on the following formula:

The second detection layer is a LSTM-based detection model for detecting the uncertain apps left from the first detection layer. It takes simplified smali code as input. The concrete steps of it include: 1) transfer and transform all code of dex files in one app into one file in smali format; 2) simplify all smali code; 3)utilize byte2vec embedding algorithm for transforming all smali code statements into vectors and get a semantic bytecode vector sequence (representation); 3) take the vector sequence as input into LSTM for app representation; and 4) attach a classifier for classification. These steps are included in both training and testing phases.
DeepRefiner’s two-layer structure help effectively and efficiently detect unknown apps. These two advantages are difficult to contain in other methods. The first detection layer is able to rapidly filter malicious and benign apps with high accuracy, and leave unfiltered uncertain apps into the second detection layer. Due to LSTM-based detection model, the second detection layer can capture semantics among all code statements, thus, precisely distinguish malicious apps among uncertain apps. In fact, from the experiment result, over 70% apps can be classified at the first detection stage, which makes DeepRefiner achieve high performance in both time and accuracy. Moreover, DeepRefiner is robust in detecting obfuscated malware since the obfuscation of code is unable to change the semantic information.
III Conclusion
DeepRefiner is Android malware detection system combining two detection layers in complementary way to provide refined detection. The first detection layer, based on content in xml files, provides efficiently filtering effect for filter malicious and benign apps and leave uncertain apps into the second detection layer for further detection. The second detection layer, through capturing semantic information, detects uncertain apps based on their smali code and achieve high effective and robust. The whole design of DeepRefiner is based on abstraction. DeepRefiner detects apps through different abstraction levels (coarse-grained behavior vs. fine-grained behavior), which is actually also an assumption on the distribution of apps, representing simple versus complex.
According to the method of DeepRefiner, there are two ways may be able to improve its performance: 1) refine byte2vec embedding algorithm. Make it enable to learn the semantic information of opcodes and operands, which can enhance LSTM-based model learning malicious behaviors; and 2) introduce dynamic analysis to capture real malicious behaviors, since static analysis is difficult to resolve Java and Kotlin’s dynamic properties.
- Ke Xu, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. Deng, & Kai Chen (2018). DeepRefiner: Multi-layer Android Malware Detection System Applying Deep Neural Networks ieee european symposium on security and privacy.
- Junyang Qiu, Jun Zhang, Wei Luo, Lei Pan, Surya Nepal, & Yang Xiang (2020). A Survey of Android Malware Detection with Deep Neural Models ACM Computing Surveys.
- 白泽带你读论文丨DeepRefiner: Multi-layer Android Malware Detection*
- Author:Rroscha
- URL:https://rroscha.vercel.app//article/post_deeprefiner
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